How did you hear about this year's event? (Check all that apply)
Overall, how would you rate the forum?
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
How likely is it that you would attend a future forum or recommend the forum to a friend or colleague?
Extremely Likely Very Likely Likely Somewhat Likely Not Likely
How would you describe the length of the forum?
Way Too Long Too Long About Right Too Short Way Too Short
How would you describe the information provided by the speakers and agency representatives?
Extremely Helpful Very Helpful Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful At All
What did you like about the forum?
What, if anything, did you dislike about the forum?
What topics would you be interested in learning more about in the future?
Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience at the forum?
The following questions are related to the Climate Leadership & Community Protection Plan (CLCPA) that was discussed at the forum. How familiar are you with the goals of the CLCPA, and the recommendations made by the Climate Action Council?
Very Familiar Somewhat Familiar Not Familiar
How concerned are you with the recommendations made in the scoping plan related to the phase out of natural gas fossil fuel use?
Very Concerned Somewhat Concerned Not Concerned
The following demographic questions will assist us in being able to apply for & receive grant funding for various outreach programs. All answers remain 100% confidential & will be used in aggregate. Please choose one that best describes you:
Male Female Prefer not to say
Please choose one that best describes you:
Hispanic/Latino Not Hispanic/Latino Choose not to disclose
Please choose one that best describes you:
White Black American Asian Pacific Islander Other Two or More Choose not to disclose