Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
- Who should I contact if I have questions about this program?
Send all questions via email to [email protected] or use the Contact Us form on our website. Please also check this site for updated FAQs.
- What if my application is submitted late?
Late applications will not be considered for funding.
- What if my application is determined to be incomplete?
Incomplete applications will not be considered for funding. Applicants should carefully review their application packet before submitting.
- Which elected official should I contact for a letter of support?
The letter of support can come from a mayor, supervisor, city/town/village council member, county legislator, state assembly member, or state senator representing the district in which your project is located.
- Who should I contact to get bids for my project?
Niagara County cannot recommend or supply a list of contractors, but applicants are strongly encouraged to use local companies wherever possible. Applicants can choose to either 1.) get a minimum of two bids from general contractors that will oversee all of the work, or if not using a general contractor, 2.) get a minimum of two bids for each type of work to be performed. For example, if the project involves installing a new awning and replacing a roof, the applicant must get a minimum of two bids from awning contractors and a minimum of two bids from roofing contractors, unless the contractor is capable of performing both types of work.
- What is a dollar-for-dollar match?
For each dollar committed to the project by the grantee, Niagara County will match it with one dollar of grant funding up to the maximum grant amount of $50,000. For example, if the total project cost is $100,000, the applicant can apply for the maximum grant amount of $50,000. This is a reimbursement grant, so grantees must pay all project costs up front. Upon completion of the project and submission of all required documentation, grantees will be reimbursed for half of the total project costs up to the grant amount. Applicants can propose a project that costs more than $100,000, but the maximum grant amount is still $50,000.
- What is acceptable proof of matching funds?
Proof of matching funds can include a bank statement, credit card statement, loan document, personal financial statement, etc. with account numbers redacted for security purposes.
- When can I start my project?
Do not start any work until after you have received a grant award letter from Niagara County. Expenses incurred prior to receiving an award letter will not be eligible for reimbursement. Once you have received the award letter, you can begin incurring expenses to be covered by the grant.
- What constitutes a "main street" or "well-defined business district?"
A "main street" is a major commercial street containing a mix of retail stores, restaurants, services, entertainment venues, and offices. A well-defined business district is an area of commercial activity, broader than a single street, that is also characterized by a mix of these uses. The boundaries of the business district could be defined by a business and professional organization, business improvement district, or commercial zoning district.
- Are buildings owned by nonprofit organizations eligible for this program?
The focus of this program is largely for-profit businesses. However, buildings owned by nonprofit organizations that are located on a "main street" or within a "well-defined business district" are eligible. Applicants should explain how the project contributes to the economic vitality of the area.
- Are apartments eligible for this program?
Apartment buildings that are located on a "main street" or within a "well-defined business district" are eligible. Applicants should explain how the project contributes to the economic vitality of the area.
- Can funding be used for sidewalks and parking lots?
Funding can be used for sidewalks and parking areas if the applicant can successfully demonstrate how this work will help to grow the business and contribute to the vitality of the area.
- Can funding be used to make improvements to side and rear façades?
This program focuses on front façades. However, side and rear façade projects are eligible, especially if they can be seen from the street or during the regular conduct of business, for example the rear patio of a restaurant.
- Will partial funding be considered?
At its sole discretion, Niagara County may choose to award partial funding based upon application review. Funding requests may be reduced to exclude ineligible project costs or project costs that do not fully advance the goals of the program. Funding awards may also be reduced based on limited funding availability.
- If the business was started after 2020, but still suffered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, is the business eligible for this program?
No, the business must have existed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- How long do grantees have to complete the project?
Grantees have 12 months from the date of award letter to complete the project. An extension may be considered upon written request.
- If the contractor requires payment up front, who is responsible?
The grantee is responsible for making all payments to contractors, including any upfront payments. This is a reimbursement grant. Upon completion of the project and submission of final documentation, including receipts, the applicant will be reimbursed for 50% of project costs up to the amount awarded.
- What if the work can be completed by the property owner without needing a contractor?
Property owners performing their own work will be reimbursed for materials only. They will not be reimbursed for their labor.
- Can a building owner and building tenant submit separate applications for the same property, but different projects?
Building owners and tenants are strongly encouraged to submit a single coordinated application.
- What if unanticipated costs arise during the construction process, can the grant amount be increased?
No, any unforeseen costs are the responsibility of the grantee.
- Can grant funding be used for any interior improvements?
Funding for interior improvements will be considered only if it enhances the façade of the building, for example lighting for a window display.
- What constitutes proof of ownership prior to 2020?
Proof of ownership can include a copy of a tax bill from 2020 or earlier, copy of a utility bill from 2020 or earlier, or copy of the deed. If the building is owned by a business, the applicant should submit proof of business ownership as well.