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New York State Seeking Feedback on Lake Conditions
by NCCEDPublic Survey Open Until July 7th

How is your community being affected by changing lake conditions? Residents, businesses, and other stakeholders along the Lake Ontario and Niagara River shorelines in Niagara and Orleans counties are being asked by New York State to share their input via a public survey open until July 7th. The survey is part of the Niagara Orleans Coastal Lakeshore Economy and Resiliency (CLEAR) initiative, a planning effort led by New York State that aims to help shoreline communities in Niagara and Orleans counties identify ways to increase their long-term resilience to changing lake conditions including high and low water events, flooding, and erosion. The CLEAR initiative will engage local communities over the next several months to develop a long-term strategic plan for coastal resiliency. This survey will be the first of several opportunities for public input. For more information and to access the survey, please visit www.niagaraorleansclear.com.