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Lockport Locks Restoration Taking Shape

Wed, Nov 6th 2019 04:05 pm
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The Erie Canal Flight of Five Phase II Project Dedication Ceremony took place as part of the Locktoberfest festivities on Saturday, September 28, 2019 at the Lockport Locks. Phase II began in January 2019 and was completed in September 2019. Work was targeted at Lock 68, and included removal of sediment, a concrete weir, and vegetation, restoration of the historic railing and installation of new safety railing and one set of new wooden lock gates and balance beams between Lock 68 and Lock 69. Funding for the $1.75 million project came from multiple sources, including Empire State Development Corporation, National Maritime Heritage Fund, Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, and the Grigg-Lewis Foundation.

Funding is currently being sought to rehabilitate Locks 67 and 71, with the objective of having the entire Flight of Five Locks rehabilitated by 2025, the 200th anniversary of the completion of the original Erie Canal.