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BNMA Automation Panel this February 15, 2023

Given workforce challenges and improved technology, the pace of automation adoption has increased dramatically. Automation doesn’t only boil down to bot or co-bots.
If you have contemplated automation for your plant but don’t know if it is possible or encountered challenges, or are even curious about automation and if there is a way to improve your processes, we encourage you to attend the BNMA Automation Panel discussion. Our 3 panelists will discuss the many applications of automation as well as answer any questions you may have or come up with during this panel.
Matt Malloy, Buffalo Manufacturing Works
Dominic Myers, Properly Works
John Conway, Rexel
Date: Wednesday, February 15
8:30a – Check In
9:00a – Panel begins
10:00a - Optional Tour of
Location: 683 Northland Ave.
Door E
Buffalo NY 14211